When I was a Child 

When I was a child I often reflected on how life would be without a "human mind", a consciousness, who sees and recognizes it. I wondered: "What the sense of the moon is, the trees, the animals, the sea etc, if there is no one to see them, hear them, to know them?".
Does the moon shine the same? Does wind  still sway and rustle the trees and did the animals continue to fight for survival? Does the sea continue to wave? Why? For who? And what, then, it means "to shine" and "rustling" and "to sway" without eyes and ears?
These questions, which are very similar to the Zen koan "what noise does a tree falling in the forest when no one is listening to him?" urged me to force myself to imagine the world without anyone, without eyes and ears to see and hear it.
I entered so spontaneously in meditative states in which the reality of things became evident over and before any consciousness, any concept.
Although it is impossible to make it in words, what became clear is that if the appearance of things depends upon someone  sees and hears, the essence of existence of things doesn't need anything, it is consistent, independent, depending only on itself.
The world has existed for billions of years alone, without human minds and senses (consciousness)! It will exist for billions of years even after the minds and the human senses will vanish swallowed up by time.
I walked into an "absolutely silent darkness" (for the senses), yet absolutely brilliant, noisy, alive , vibrant, in which the nature of things is explained and expressed magically.
I find that a wonderful meditation is the search of the noise of a tree  that falls with no one to hear it, or the shining of the moon with no one to see it, the existence of the world with no one to know it, to enter the world before any consciousness came to light.

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