Advaita Vedanta

The Advaita Vedanta says that there is only Brahman, the absolute which can be described as sat, cit and ananda: pure self-conscious and blessed (complete, without any lack, perfect) that in his infinite "lila" play manifested itself in maya, the relative, dual world of appearances. Our personality, our ego is an appearance of maya while at the base we are the perfect perfect bliss and complete.

This is not a "theory". It is not "philosophy".

It is not a religious dogma in which to believe.

It's not a way to see or think.

This is the simple truth that can be accomplished by everyone, or it can be personally rediscovered, directly, without mediation. It is a shining truth so clear and evident that you miss it trying elsewhere and imagining something else from what it already is. As if we miss the planet earth because instead of looking around and under our feet, we look for some sphere somewhere, just because it's too obvious and too close and too big. There is no specific and absolute method for realizing the truth. There is no way better than anotherone. Only those who really feel the need to find out what reality is and find out themself ultimately find their personal way through the ways and masters who have realized the truth before us. Use them, but without limits and without being attached to any vision, to any teacher to anyone and nothing, only driven by pure curiosity, by the pure and spontaneous need to comprehend, without limitation, dogmas, rules. No Buddhist or Hindu or Taoist or Tantric or follower of any master will ever realize the truth. Never! Doctrines are descriptions of reality and directions to realize it, but as long as you remain attached to the descriptions and suggestions of others as absolute truths you can not go deep enough to "touch" the truth. Use them all as a push, as comfort, as a confrontation but not as absolute truths to adhere to them your experience. Only when you have the courage to leave any preconceived idea, any "support" in the search, in your intimacy, will happen. (Monàs)

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