
Karma (in Sanskrit Karman) literally means action. [...] 
Who is on the path of spiritual search should accomplish very early that the concepts of good and evil are relative. There is no good deed ever and even a bad deed ever. Every act that is accomplished will have many implications that can be positive and negative depending on the point of view. Even to kill a man, that is certainly considered a negative act and that causes negative karma, actually has no connotation of good and evil if we don't put on it. If I kill a man to save my son maybe I'm making a good action but for the mother of the man I killed will be even a bad deed. Then first you have to understand that karma, as pure law of cause and effect, is neither positive nor negative. Then karma in this sense becomes a psychological karma: if I think I have done a bad deed I carry with me negative conditionings and vice versa if I believe I have made positive actions the conditioning will be positive. All this will depend, therefore, from my point of view and will have nothing to do with karma as the action, cause and effect, which remains free from connotations of good and evil. Free from the karma so can be synonymous of free ourselves from our conditioning. When you understand and realize the illusory nature and the relativity of the opposing concepts of good and evil, also looking for a liberation from the psychological karma became illusory: whatever you do or do not (action) will results in a conditioning (effect). So try to free from karma means trying to break free from the law of the universe. The only thing you can do is to break free from the idea of having to free up the negative karma and from the idea of having accumulating positive karma, which is possible with the understanding and realization of the truth of the Cosmic Law (Dharma).[...]  (Monàs)

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